Since the 1st of January 2019, the research activities in oilcrop genetics and genomics of the company Biogemma moved to a new company, Innolea, under the control of three major French seed companies in oil crops, Euralis Semences, Limagrain, RAGT Semences, and the innovation fund for oil and protein crops, Sofiprotéol.
Innolea is supported by experienced teams and know-how developed for more than 20 years by
Biogemma and benefit of the infrastructure of Mondonville (Haute-Garonne) site, which is now the headquarter, as well as the support of its shareholders.
Innolea’s direction was given to Bruno Grèzes-Besset who was research coordinator in Biogemma, and the presidence to Jean-Marc Ferullo, the research director of Euralis Semences. Biogemma’s research programmes in rapeseed and sunflower, the main oil crops in France and Europe,
are continued in Innolea. The sunflower programme is led by Delphine Fleury and the rapeseed programme by Sébastien Faure.
To support the French oil industry, Innolea’s activities focus on the genetics of traits of interest with direct applications to breeding new varieties. The main research areas will be the exploration of genetic diversity of the main oil crops of France and Europe and the characterisation of beneficial genes.
By creating this new company, the French oil and protein industry and the seeds companies demonstrate their engagement in supporting competitive research in applied genomics and prebreeding. This leading-edge knowledge will enable offering new varieties to the French market,
with improved agronomy, and particularly plant resistance to diseases and pests.
About Euralis Semences:
Euralis Semences is the Seeds Division of the French cooperative group Euralis. Created 60 years ago, the company specialised in research, production and commercialisation of corn, sunflower, rapeseed, sorghum and soybean. Euralis invests every year 13% of its turnover in research and 20,000 ha for seed production in Europe. Cultivated on 4 million ha of land every year, Euralis Semences genetics keeps growing, bringing now a revenue of 194 million euros. To keep close to local markets, Euralis Semences got 11 subsidiaries and 1,300 staff across Europe, Ukraine and Russia.
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About Limagrain:
Fourth world seed company, Limagrain has the mission to progress agriculture to answer the food world challenges.
Limagrain is a cooperative group created and led by French growers. Its headquarter, the Cooperative Limagrain, groups about 2,000 growers located in the Centre of France and the plain region of Limagne Val d’Allier. The Group develops, produces and commercialises broad acreage crops and vegetable seeds, and cereals products. Limagrain is established in 56 countries and group more than 10 000 employees. Its annual revenues reach almost 2,5 billion euros through its various well-known brands LG, Vilmorin, Hazera, Harris Moran, Jacquet and Brossard.
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About RAGT Semences:
RAGT Semences selects, produces and commercialises seeds of major crops for food and feed. RAGT Semences registers 200 varieties per year in 32 species and 50 countries. With an investment of 18% of its revenues in plant breeding, RAGT Semences has equipped its research branch to European standards and beyond. The team includes more than 300 breeders and technicians and a large network of research and field stations. RAGT Semence includes 18 commercial affiliates across all continents, which work every day with growers and suppliers. Today almost 1 ha of crop land every 5 ha is planted with RAGT Semences varieties.
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About Sofiprotéol:
Founded in 1983 from the initiative of growers, SOFIPROTEOL, an investment and development company subsidiary of the AVRIL group, is committed to the food and agri-business stakeholders. Since its creation, Sofiprotéol supports programmes of broad interest to secure the future of the oil and protein industry. SOFIPROTEOL assists the development and innovation in every stage of the food and agri-business chain: from crop production (seed, genetics, equipment etc.) to the food industry, grain handling and primary transformation. At the core of Sofiproteol’s activities, innovation is supported by specific actions depending on the type of project: co-funding of research programmes and incubation of startups ensuring the future of the oil and protein industry.
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Contact media:
Jean-Marc Ferullo, President of Innolea