
The cooperative comprises several governing bodies: the Board of Directors, the Group Committees, the Regional Commissions, the Group’s Strategic Committee and the Management Committee.

The Board of Directors


It comprises 22 cooperative directors, 1 non-cooperative coooperative director. All of them are farmers elected by the representatives of some 6,250 members in Southwest France. They work alongside the Group’s Strategic Committee to define Euralis’ key strategies and to check that they are implemented in the field. They also guarantee the Group’s cooperative vision.

The Board of Directors comprises an Executive Council with 4 members :

Christophe Congues President of Euralis
Christophe Congues

President of Euralis

Kiwi and tobacco producer in Moumour (Southwest France).
He was the President of the Fédération des planteurs de tabac (Federation of Tobacco Planters) for thirteen years, and General Secretary of the France Tabac Union (French Tobacco Union) for eleven years before joining the Euralis Board of Directors in February 2014.

Stéphane Boué Vice-President of Euralis, President of the Agricultural Division
Stéphane Boué

Vice-President of Euralis, Secretary, President of the Agricultural Activities

Farmer in Bournos and Arx (Southwest France) specialised in maize seed, maize, and vegetables.

Sébatien DOAT President of Euralis, President of the Agricultural Division
Sébastien Doat

Vice-President of Euralis, Treasurer, President of the Duck and Catering Activities


Farmer in Sainte-Christie-d’Armagnac (32), President of Euralis Palmipèdes Sud-Ouest

Pierre Pagès Vice-President of Euralis, President of the Seed Division
Pierre Pagès

Vice-President of Euralis, President of Lidea

A farmer in Viella (Southwest France), specialised in seeds and field vegetables.
He is President of the FNPSMS (National federation for the production of maize and sorghum seeds) and vice-president of the SEMAE (the French interprofessional organisation for seeds and plants)

The Board of Directors  is made up of  23 directors.  All of them are farmers. Their role is to define, in consultation with the Executive Committee, the main strategic orientations of Euralis. Their role is also to control the implementation of the decisions they validated, on the ground. 

Groupe Euralis, Christophe CONGUES Président
Christophe CONGUES President
Groupe Euralis, Stéphane BOUÉ Vice Président
Stéphane BOUÉ
Vice President
Sébastien Doat, Président d'Euralis Palmipèdes Sud-Ouest
Sébastien DOAT
Vice President
Pierre PAGES Vice Président et Trésorier
Pierre PAGES
Vice President
Groupe Euralis, Henri BIES-PÉRÉ Administrateur
Henri BIES-PÉRÉ Cooperative Director
Groupe Euralis, François BRUNET Administrateur
non cooperative Director
Groupe Euralis, François BRUNET Administrateur
François BRUNET Cooperative Director
Groupe Euralis, Jean-Baptiste CAZALÉ Administrateur
Jean-Baptiste CAZALÉ
Cooperative Director
Éric DUMAS Administrateur
Éric DUMAS Cooperative Director 
Jonathan LALONDRELLE Administrateur Stagiaire
Jonathan LALONDRELLE Cooperative Director
Jonathan LALONDRELLE Administrateur Stagiaire
Martine FAGETTE Cooperative Director
François LACOME Euralis
François LACOME Cooperative Director 
Olivier LADEVEZE Administrateur
Olivier LADEVEZE Cooperative Dirctor
Lilian LASSERE Administrateur
Lilian LASSERE Cooperative Director 
Guillaume SAINTIGAN Administrateur Stagiaire
Nicolas VIRVES Cooperative Director 
Philippe MAISONNAVE Administrateur Stagiaire
Karine LIEGEOIS Cooperative Director
Philippe MAISONNAVE Administrateur Stagiaire
Philippe MAISONNAVE Cooperative Director
Clément NOILHAN Administrateur Stagiaire
Clément NOILHAN Cooperative Director
Matthieu PLOUVIER Administrateur
Matthieu PLOUVIER Cooperative Director 
Guillaume SAINTIGAN Administrateur Stagiaire
Guillaume SAINTIGAN Cooperative Director
Hélène SALLEFRANQUE Administratrice
Hélène SALLEFRANQUE Cooperative Director
Daniel SALVIAC Administrateur
Daniel SALVIAC Cooperative Director 
Didier VILLENAVE Administrateur
Didier VILLENAVE Cooperative Director

Governing Committees

Group Committees

There are 5 Group Committees: the Strategic Monitoring Committee, the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, the Financial Auditing and Accounts Committee, the Ethics Committee and the CSR Committee. Each of them ensures that governance runs as smoothly as possible in their specialist field, so that their members can focus on certain issues.

Regional Commissions

There are 6 Regional Commissions : Béarn, Bigorre, Garonne, Gascony, Gave Océan, and North Aquitaine. Made up of board members, they ensure regional management in close cooperation with member farmers and local institutions. This organisation helps us implement policies in line with farmers’ expectations and according to the specificities of each region.

Euralis’ cooperative governance is structured around the President/CEO. This dual management structure is key to maintaining balance.

The Group’s Strategic Committee

It comprises the CEO and Euralis’ main directors.

Thomas Chambolle

CEO and Financial Director of the Euralis Group

Luc Lemaire

Deputy CEO, in charge of the Group’s activities and Cooperative Governance 

Olivier Tillous Borde

Director of the Group’s Transformation and Strategic Developments

Thierry Souchon

Group Human Resources Director

Laurent Dubain

CEO of the Agricultural Division

Olivier Paul

CEO of Lidea

Daniel Tirat

CEO of the Stalaven and Atelier Traiteur BUs

Bruno Traverse

CEO of the Maison Montfort BU

and the Rougié BU

The Management Committee

It comprises members of the Group’s Strategic Committee and the various BUs’ and Divisions’ Executive Committees, who meet regularly at key stages in the cooperative’s activities. Thanks to the Management Committee, the Group’s main executive managers are not only involved in defining and implementing Euralis’ strategy, but are also in charge of feeding information back to their own teams.