In line with its values (proximity, responsibility, open-mindedness, simplicity) and commitments, the Euralis Group acts in accordance with laws and regulations in all circumstances worldwide.
In this respect, and in compliance with the French Sapin II law, Euralis has rolled out an ethics charter and alert system.
The Euralis Group has thus established a shared set of reference frameworks that outline the behaviour to adopt on a daily basis regarding:

Ethics and business integrity
- Choosing and treating suppliers, service providers and consultants fairly
- Complying with legislation
- Prohibiting all acts of corruption and facilitation payment
- Respecting the Group’s principles on giving and receiving gifts and invitations. Euralis has adopted a Gifts Charter.
- Avoiding all situations involving conflicts of interest. Euralis has adpoted a Conflicts of interests Charter.
- Respecting confidentiality and external communication
- Guaranteeing respect for privacy and protecting personal data

Ethics and integrity
in the workplace
- Guaranteeing workplace safety and well-being
- Ensuring equal opportunities
- Respecting human dignity

Ethics and integrity
as a socially responsible company
- Meeting demands and satisfying consumers
- Participating in social cohesion through community
- Working to make a positive societal impact
- Authorising contributions and political activities for personal reasons
Code of Ethics for Directors
The Euralis Cooperative Group has implemented a Code of Ethics that defines the principles and rules of conduct expected of all Directors. This charter was established so that each Director is clearly aware of their role, rights, and duties. The principles contained in this document constitute, beyond the legal and regulatory provisions in force, the common foundation of values, practices, and rules that guide all Directors. No one may be exempt from complying with this Charter. Each Director signs it after having read it in order to acknowledge their commitment.
Key Points of the Charter:
- Principles of Conduct: Directors must act with integrity, loyalty, honesty, and professionalism. They are required to respect Human Rights and fundamental freedoms in the exercise of their duties.
- Rules of Ethics: The charter governs the use of personal property and activities, benefits, gifts and relationships with suppliers, communication, and confidentiality. Directors must avoid any situation of conflict of interest.
- Implementation and Control: The Nomination, Remuneration and Governance (NRG) Committee oversees the application of the charter and the interpretation of its provisions. A whistleblowing right is also put in place to allow directors to report any situation that does not comply with the Group’s rules.
A Strong Commitment
The Directors’ Code of Ethics reflects Euralis’ commitment to responsible and transparent governance. It helps to strengthen the trust of the Group’s members, partners, and employees in the management of the cooperative.
Ethics and those involved
“Ethics concerns everyone and is applicable in all circumstances, whatever our roles and responsibilities. Ethics is a state of mind which guides our daily activities from the simplest to the most complex ones.”
The ethics teams
Each entity (Holding, STB, Euralis Gastronomie, Lidea, Agricultural Division, Group) has an ethics team in charge of finding solutions to challenges reported within its scope of operations and working in the field to boost efficiency.
All ethics team members are bound by a strict confidentiality agreement.
The Board Members’ Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee aims to ensure that the Group’s ethics programme is properly implemented including: Sapin 2, anti-corruption, the transmission of an ethics culture and making recommendations. It is the reference body in the event of specific whistleblowing reports.
Preventing corruption
Pierre Pages, vice-president of Euralis, President of Lidea and of the Ethics Committee
“Compliance and more generaly ethics must guide our actions at Euralis. And the role of the Ethics Committee is, among other things, to ensure the proper deployment of the Group’s Ethics Program, in France and internationally. I would like to remind you that we are all affected by these issues, in all circumstances, whatever our functions and responsibilities. Thus, business conduct must be done in compliance with the laws and regulations, policies, as well as the ethical principles in force within the cooperative. No deviation will be tolerated: we are implementing a ‘zero tolerance’ policy.
Overall context
The French Sapin 2 law is an essential legislative framework which aims to strengthen transparency, corporate governance and integrity. We all have a duty to ensure compliance with this law in all countries where we operate.
In this context, it is essential that we set an example in the field of compliance; we need to ensure that our actions are fully compliant with the Sapin 2 law.

Alert system
Employees and/or external stakeholders of the Euralis group (service providers, suppliers, clients, etc.) may report any practice or behaviour that they consider to go against or be incompatible with our ethics.
The alert platform (dedicated website):
The principles of confidentiality and the presumption of innocence shall be respected.
All enquiries shall take place in accordance with applicable legislation.
Using the workplace alert system in good faith, even if the facts are subsequently proven to be inaccurate, cannot expose the whistleblower to penalties. However, any unjustified whistleblowing may lead to disciplinary penalties and/or legal proceedings.